Jan. 13, 2004
Interviewed by Drew Greiner,USC Sports Information
What is it like being a student – athlete?
I like being a student -athlete because you receive attention and are provided for very well compared to if you were a regular student here.
What is your favorite thing about USC?
I really like the weather. The people here are also very friendly.
What is your favorite part of Equestrian?
I like being on a team and getting to know the rest of the girls.
What is your most memorable moment as a rider?
A few years ago I won the Zone 5 Regional Championships. The test was made of many components such as written and verbal tests. I was excited I won it .
What competition are you most looking forward to this year?
I am most looking forward to going to Nationals.
What place would you most like to visit?
I would like to visit Miami,Florida.
What are your plans for after you graduate?
I am going to hopefully go to Miami and find a job dealing with hotels.
Where do you think you will be in 5 years?
I hope to have a job and be settled in Miami by that time
What is your favorite TV show?
The Simple Life and Friends
What is it like competing for Coach Duncan?
It is unique. She comes from a different background and applies her unique style to the team.