Captain’s Club Day
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
For more Information please refer to the brochure, which can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat.
Captain’s Day Info. in PDF FormatDownload Free Acrobat Reader
2002 Wine Tasting and Silent Auction
The University of South Carolina men’s and women’s golf teams hosted the 3rd annual wine tasting and silent auction fund-raiser on Friday, August 23, 2002, which proved to be a huge success. Over 600 people in attendance enjoyed over 100 red and white wines while participating in the silent auction. South Carolina Head Football Coach Lou Holtz served as the guest host for this year’s event. Coach Holtz auctioned off various Gamecock items including an old team locker with Gamecock Paraphernalia and a stuffed encased fighting gamecock.
2002 Cocky Classic