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Feb. 17, 2003

Irmo, SC – The USC Equestrian team held its IHSA Spring at their home stables, the Irish Oaks Equestrian Centre, in Irmo this weekend. All teams from IHSA Zone 5 Region 2 came out to compete in spring-like temperatures this past Saturday, February 15.

The team was led by freshman open rider Courtney Borton, won the Western portion of the Zone 5 Region 2 IHSA competition held at USC’s home facility on Saturday. Borton won open Horsemanship and was fourth in Reining to win the High Point Western rider award. Junior Kyra Hufford won her Intermediate II class and freshman Laura Pipken was second in Advanced I. Overall in the division, Auburn University was second followed by Berry College and UGA.

In Hunter Seat, freshman Chelsea Koornick won her section of Open Flat and was third in Intermediate Over Fences to tie Jennifer Moody from Auburn for High Point Hunt Seat Rider. After a challenging ride-off to determine High Point and Reserve Rider, Koornick finished behind Moody. Other second place finishes were made by junior Lindsey Wilson in Novice Over Fences, junior Lisa Boykin in Intermediate Fences, senior Michelle Jenkins in Walk/Trot, senior Jessica Keels and freshman Ashley Williams in Novice Flat, and Sophomore Lindsey Weathers in Advanced Walk/Trot/Canter. These along with Koornick’s finishes gave the Lady Gamecocks a fourth place finish in Hunter Seat. UGA won the Hunter Seat division followed by Berry and then Auburn.

“It’s great to win High Point,” Borton said. “It was an exciting win but I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the support of my team.”

Results USC IHSA Show February 15, 2003 Irish Oaks Equestrian Centre

Hunter Seat: Open Flat: 1. Chelesea Koornick 4. Sarah Tomasi 5. Tracy Tomala Open Fences: 4. Sarah Tomasi Intermediate Flat: 2. Molly Harrison 5. Lindsey Wilson 6. Alexis Pospischil Intermediate Fences: 2. Lisa Boykin 3. Chelsea Koornick 4. Brooke Spitzer Novice Flat: 2. Jessica Keels 2. Ashley Williams 5. Lauren Brown Novice Fences: 2. Lindsey Wilson Advanced Walk/Trot/Canter: 2. Lindsey Weathers 3. Kendra Burdett 3. Kyra Hufford Walk/Trot: 2. Michelle Jenkins

Western: Open Reining: 4. Courtney Borton Open: 1. Courtney Borton Advanced II: 4. April Payne Advanced I: 2. Laura Pipken 6. Jessica Keels Intermediate II: 1. Kyra Hufford 3. Amy Strong 3. Ashley Collins Beginner: 3. Margy Myers