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Nov. 13, 2006

Cold Temps Mean Cold Golf Muscles!

Now that the mercury is dropping and sunlight is at a premium, your golf game does not have to be put in the closet. There are two keys to keeping loose and getting stronger in preparation for the warmer months to come.

During this time of year our strength and conditioning coach Billy Anderson stresses strengthing and flexibility to our players at Carolina. This is a great time of year to begin a weight program, specifically designed for golf. Making sure it is properly designed for golf is important since adding a lot of bulk in the chest and bicep areas can make for a bad golf game. We stress weights that will make for stronger backs, legs and arms while also stressing staying flexible.

Gaining flexibility may be the easist way to improve your game. Five minutes in the morning and evening can add distance and make the transition to lifting weights much easier. Focusing on your hamstrings, back and rib cage area can make a positive difference in your game. Adding five minutes of situps and abdominal excercises can make for a stronger trunk as well.

Remember: It is not about how much weight we can lift, but becoming tone and more flexible!

Michael Burcin
South Carolina Director of Golf Operations