Senior guard Brionna Dickerson is in Costa Rica, studying abroad as part of her international business degree. The program includes 20-25 students who take classes in the morning and have their afternoons free for exploring. Brionna will check in with GamecocksOnline periodically during her trip.
July 24, 2008
Well, this past weekend was definitely the most fun I have had since I have been here. Here is a recount, blow by blow.
We drove in a mini bus up the side of a mountain. Now, for all of you who are saying to yourselves, “That doesn’t sound safe!” I agree. I could not even look out the window at all of the scenery because I would have had to acknowledge the fact that we were on the edge of a cliff. After the hour and a half ride there, we finally made it to the lodge. Right off the bus, we went straight to another mountain to hike to the beginning of the canopy tour. Yes, everyone, I rode on a cable in the jungle down the mountainside, past monkeys, spiders, and everything else you would see in a national geographic magazine. There were 10 zip line platforms to get through, and my eyes were definitely closed for half of them. We were up so high, all I could see were the tops of trees, which is not a comforting sight for someone who is deathly afraid of heights.
To top things off, we rode horses up another mountain to get to a mud bath and hot springs. So, let us recap. Being on a “secure” bus on the side of the mountain made me want to cry. Now imagine being on an even more dangerous mountain, but this time on a horse that won’t listen to your commands. It was a “lovely” experience. Thankfully, they did not make us ride the horses back. The hot springs and mud bath were the best part of the experience though. My whole body felt like a baby’s bottom afterward.
We did not do much else afterward except hang out a little with the locals, but the night took a turn when we felt a shake. I experienced my first, and hopefully only, earthquake. At first, I though the nearby volcano was erupting, but fortunately it was `just’ an earthquake. However, wait, my night did not stop there. I woke up 3 a.m. to the sound of groaning, scratching, and growling. Maybe if I were at home, I would have excused the noise as a dog or something, and then gone back to sleep, but remember, I am on a mountain. Therefore, I woke my roommate up, and like the brave and strong person I am, I made her go look out the window 🙂 … It was a horse. After all I have been through this weekend, horses and I no longer agree with one another.
Overall, the trip was a lot of fun though and a unique experience. I am excited about what else they have in store for us, and you can be sure that you will be fully aware of whatever it is.