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Important Definitions & Rules To Know

Prospective Student-Athlete

A prospect is an individual who has started classes for the ninth grade. In addition, a student who has not started classes for the ninth grade becomes a prospect if the institution provides any financial assistance or other benefits that the institution does not provide to prospects generally. A prospect remains a prospect until one of the following occurs (whichever is earlier):

  • The individual registers and enrolls in a minimum full-time program of studies and attends classes in any term of a four-year collegiate institution’s regular academic year; or
  • The individual participates in a regular squad practice or competition at a four-year collegiate institution that occurs before the beginning of any term; or
  • The individual officially registers and enrolls and attends classes during the summer prior to initial enrollment and receives institutional athletics aid.

Official Visit

A visit by a prospect financed in whole or in part by the member institution. Prospective student-athletes may take a maximum of 5 (five) official visits, with no more than one permitted to any single institution.

Unofficial Visit

A visit to an institution’s campus at the prospects own expense. There is no limit on the number of unofficial visits a prospect may take to each institution. An institution may provide complimentary admissions to an on-campus athletics event in which the institution’s team competes and transportation to view off-campus practice or competition sites within a 30-mile radius of the institution’s campus when accompanied by a staff member.

National Letter of Intent

An official document administered by the Collegiate Commissioners Association utilized by subscribing member institutions to establish the commitment of prospective student-athletes to attend a particular institution in return for receiving an athletics scholarship.

Telephone Calls to Prospective Student-Athletes

In sports other than football and basketball: Telephone calls to a prospective student-athlete [or the prospective student-athlete’s relatives or legal guardian(s)] may not be made before July 1st following the completion of the prospect’s junior year in high school; thereafter, staff members shall not make such telephone calls more than once per week.

Football: One telephone call to a prospect [or prospect’s parents or legal guardian(s)] may be made during the month of May of the prospect’s junior year in high school. Additional telephone calls to a prospect [or a prospect’s relative or legal guardian(s)] may not be made before September 1st of the prospect’s senior year in high school; thereafter, such telephone contact is limited to once per week outside of a contact period. During a contact period, telephone contact may be made at the institution’s discretion.

Men’s Basketball: One telephone call per month may be made to a prospective student-athlete [or the prospect’s parents or legal guardian(s)] on or after June 15th of the prospective student-athlete’s sophomore year in high school through July 31st of the prospective student-athlete’s junior year in high school. An institution is permitted to make two telephone calls per week to a prospect [or the prospect’s relatives or legal guardian(s)] beginning August 1st prior to the prospective student-athlete’s senior year in high school. An institution is permitted to make one telephone call per week to a two-year or four-year college prospective student-athlete [or the prospect’s parents or legal guardian(s)].

Women’s Basketball: One telephone call to a prospective student-athlete [or the prospect’s parents or legal guardian(s)] may be made during each of the months of April and May of the prospect’s junior year in high school. One call may be made June 1st through June 20th and one call may be made June 21st through June 30th of the prospect’s junior year in high school. In addition, only three telephone calls to a prospect [or prospect’s parents or legal guardian(s)] may be made during the month of July following the prospect’s junior year in high school, with no more than one telephone call per week; thereafter, staff members shall not make such telephone calls more than once per week.

University of South Carolina Graduation Data

USC Admissions Contact Information

800/868-5872 (toll free in the USA) US Mail: Overnight Mail:
803/777-7700 University of South Carolina University of South Carolina
803/777-0101 FAX PO Box 5225 Department of Athletics
Columbia, SC 29250 Attn: Kala Andrews
1304 Heyward Street
Columbia, SC 29208

Guide for the College Bound Student-Athlete/Initial Eligibility

NCAA Eligibility Center Contact Information

877/262-1492 (toll free in the USA) US Mail: Overnight Mail:
317/223-0700 P.O. Box 7136 NCAA Eligibility Center
317/968-5105 FAX Indianapolis, IN 46207 1802 Alonzo Watford Sr. Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46202

ACT Information | (319) 337-1313
To report ACT scores to USC use code 3880
To report ACT scores to the NCAA Clearinghouse use code 9999

Test Date Registration Deadline (Late Fee Required)
Sept. 8, 2012 Aug. 17, 2012 Aug. 18-24, 2012 (paper registrations)
Aug. 18-31, 2012 (online registrations)
Oct. 27, 2012 Sept. 21, 2012 Sept. 22-Oct. 5, 2012
Dec. 8, 2012 Nov. 9, 2012 Nov. 10-16, 2012
Feb. 9, 2013 Jan. 11, 2013 Jan. 12-18, 2013
April 13, 2013 March 8, 2013 March 9-22, 2013
June 8, 2013 May 3, 2013 May 4-17, 2013

SAT Information | (866) 756-7346
To report SAT scores to USC use code 5818
To report SAT socres to NCAA Clearinghouse use code 9999

Test Date Subject Tests Available
(Find Dates)
Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline Deadline for Changes
March 9 Feb. 8
Send Reminder
Feb. 22 Feb. 22
May 4 Subject Tests April 5
Send Reminder
April 19 April 19
June 1 Subject Tests May 2
Send Reminder
May 17 May 17

Additional fees apply if you register late or make changes to your test type, center or date after registering.

2012-13 National Letter of Intent

Sport(s) Initial Signing Date Final Signing Date
Basketball (Early Period) Nov. 14, 2012 Nov. 21, 2012
Basketball (Regular Period) April 17, 2013 Div. I: May 15, 2013
Div. II: Aug. 1, 2013
Football (Midyear JC Transfer) Dec. 19, 2012 Jan. 15, 2013
Football (Regular Period) Feb. 6, 2013 April 1, 2013
Field Hockey, Soccer, Track & Field, Cross Country, Men’s Water Polo Feb. 6, 2013 Aug. 1, 2013
All Other Sports (Early Period) Nov. 14, 2012 Nov. 21, 2012
All Other Sports (Regular Period) April 17, 2013 Aug. 1, 2013

If you have any questions concerning initial eligibility or admission to the University of South Carolina, please contact:

Kala Andrews
Associate Director of Compliance
University of South Carolina
Department of Athletics
1304 Heyward Street
Columbia, SC 29208