Gamecocks Launch 16 for 16 Ticket Campaign
COLUMBIA, S.C. – South Carolina women’s basketball is celebrating head coach Dawn Staley’s 16th season in Columbia with “16 for 16,” a season ticket campaign to sell 16,000 season tickets for 2023-24. The initiative includes a “Community Supporter” program to help bring underrepresented communities into Colonial Life Arena as well.
Community Supporters can purchase a season ticket to donate back to the Athletics Department, which will share the tickets on a game-by-game basis with various groups throughout the Columbia area. Community Supporter tickets are $25 for a general admission season ticket to donate, or $35 for a general admission season ticket to donate and a commemorative season ticket as a keepsake for the purchaser. Purchase a Community Supporter ticket at: https://fevo.me/wb24communitysupporter.
For more information on 2023-24 women’s basketball season tickets, which start at $55, visit https://thegamecockclub.com/wbb/. To put a deposit on season tickets, visit https://am.ticketmaster.com/gamecocks/wb24dep.
South Carolina has led the NCAA in average attendance in the last nine of Staley’s previous 15 seasons. The longest streak of leading the nation in average attendance is 11 seasons by Tennessee, which led the nation from 2003-04 through 2013-14, after which Gamecock fans picked up the title. South Carolina’s highest average attendance in its streak was 14,364 in the 2015-16 season, and the highest season attendance average in NCAA history (since 1983) was Tennessee’s 16,565 in 1998-99.
Continue to check GamecocksOnline.com and the team’s social media accounts (@GamecockWBB) for the most up-to-date information on South Carolina Women’s Basketball.