June 14, 2012
Omaha, Neb. –
A limited amount of tickets will be available for Gamecock Club members in Omaha to purchase on Saturday morning. Tickets will be on sale from 11 am to 12 noon CT at the Hilton Omaha in the Merchants Room. Individual tickets are $35 apiece with cash only accepted. Silver Spur members and above are limited to four tickets with full scholarship members and below limited to two seats as well. Gamecock Club members must provide his/her own GCC card and payment at the time of pickup.
Hilton Omaha
1001 Cass Street
Omaha, NE 68102
(402) 998-3400
Alumni & Gamecock Fan Events at the College World Series in Omaha!
If you are going to the 2012 College World Series to cheer on the Gamecocks, join My Carolina, the Gamecock Club and Carolina alumni and fans in Omaha at The Old Mattress Factory Bar and Grill, where the garnet-and-black faithful will be gathering before every game the team plays.
The Old Mattress Factory Bar and Grill is located at 13th and Cass streets just a half-block from the stadium. (Tent entrance is off of 13th Street.) Our fan headquarters tent, featuring beverages and food available at no cost, will open two hours before game time.
The Old Mattress Factory Bar and Grill
501 North 13th Street
Omaha, NE 68102
(402) 346-9116
The first tent event will be on Saturday, June 16 at 6 p.m. CT