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Cumulative Season Statistics

  • Team Statistics
  • Individual Statistics
  • Category Leaders

Overall Team Statistics

                       The Automated ScoreBook For Soccer          South Carolina Overall Team Statistics (as of Nov 25, 2001)                                   All games       Overall: 12-5-2  Conf: 0-0-0  Home: 7-2-1  Away: 3-2-1  Neut: 2-1-0            TEAM STATISTICS                    USC          OPP            ---------------------------------------------------            SHOT STATISTICS..........              Goals-Shot attempts....       44-298       22-202              Shot pct...............         .148         .109              Goals/Game.............          2.3          1.2              Shots/Game.............         15.7         10.6              Assists................           41           14            CORNER KICKS.............          111           90            PENALTY KICKS............          1-1          3-3            PENALTIES................              Fouls..................          272          257              Yellow cards...........           24           32              Red cards..............            0            2            ATTENDANCE...............              Total..................        16121        10134              Dates/Avg Per Date.....      10/1612       6/1689              Neutral Site #/Avg.....        3/413GOALS BY PERIOD       1st 2nd  OT OT2    Total--------------------  --- --- --- ---    -----South Carolina......   12  29   0   3  -    44Opponents...........   14   7   1   0  -    22SHOTS BY PERIOD       1st 2nd  OT OT2    Total--------------------  --- --- --- ---    -----South Carolina......  124 147  16  11  -   298Opponents...........   88  96   9   9  -   202SAVES BY PERIOD       1st 2nd  OT OT2    Total--------------------  --- --- --- ---    -----South Carolina......   28  37   3   7  -    75Opponents...........   31  44   8   1  -    84CORNER KICKS BY PRD   1st 2nd  OT OT2    Total--------------------  --- --- --- ---    -----South Carolina......   48  53   6   4  -   111Opponents...........   41  41   5   3  -    90FOULS BY PERIOD       1st 2nd  OT OT2    Total--------------------  --- --- --- ---    -----South Carolina......  122 136  10   4  -   272Opponents...........  122 114  13   8  -   257

Overall Individual Statistics

                       The Automated ScoreBook For Soccer       South Carolina Overall Individual Statistics (as of Nov 25, 2001)                                   All games       Overall: 12-5-2  Conf: 0-0-0  Home: 7-2-1  Away: 3-2-1  Neut: 2-1-0## Name                 GP-GS   G   A Pts  Sh Shot% GW  PK-ATT--------------------------------------------------------------0  Michael Bachmeyer    19-19   0   1   1   0  .000  0   0-04  Ryan Barber          18-13   1   2   4  10  .100  1   0-011 Jacob Cavanaugh       9-0    0   0   0   3  .000  0   0-015 Jack Cummings        18-18   1   1   3  17  .059  0   0-09  Ryan Daley           19-19  10   8  28  37  .270  1   1-117 Ray Fischer          19-0    2   1   5  12  .167  0   0-06  Tim Glowienka        19-19   0   0   0   0  .000  0   0-023 Chris Herron         16-1    2   1   5   9  .222  0   0-01  Zac Jordan            3-0    0   0   0   0  .000  0   0-07  Dave Moore           19-19   0   3   3  24  .000  0   0-021 Jordan Quinn         19-19  13   3  29  60  .217  5   0-014 Jon Rich             18-10   0   1   1   8  .000  0   0-03  Jonathan Rosenberg    3-0    0   1   1   0  .000  0   0-02  Robert Rosenberg     13-6    1   0   2   7  .143  1   0-018 Kolby Runager        18-9    2   4   8  16  .125  0   0-019 Udo Seidel            2-0    1   1   3   2  .500  0   0-020 Jordan Smith         19-19   1   6   8  17  .059  0   0-022 Ryan Stocking        19-19   1   3   5   2  .500  0   0-05  Anthony Stovall      15-1    2   0   4  12  .167  0   0-012 Tony Vitagliano      13-1    1   0   2   5  .200  0   0-08  Joey Worthen         19-17   6   5  17  57  .105  4   0-0   Total............... 19     44  41 129 298  .148 12   1-1   Opponents........... 19     22  14  58 202  .109  6   3-3                              |---GOAL AVERAGE---| |--SAVES--| |----RECORD----|## Name                 GP-GS  Minutes   GA    Avg Saves   Pct   W   L   T  Sho-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1  Zac Jordan            3-0     49:23    0   0.00     1 1.000   0   0   0    00  Michael Bachmeyer    19-18  1799:42   22   1.10    74  .771   3   0   1    5   Total............... 19     1849:05   22   1.07    75  .773   3   0   1    7   Opponents........... 19     1849:05   43   2.09    84  .661   0   3   1    3Team saves: 0GOALS BY PERIOD       1st 2nd  OT OT2    Total--------------------  --- --- --- ---    -----South Carolina......   12  29   0   3  -    44Opponents...........   14   7   1   0  -    22SHOTS BY PERIOD       1st 2nd  OT OT2    Total--------------------  --- --- --- ---    -----South Carolina......  124 147  16  11  -   298Opponents...........   88  96   9   9  -   202SAVES BY PERIOD       1st 2nd  OT OT2    Total--------------------  --- --- --- ---    -----South Carolina......   28  37   3   7  -    75Opponents...........   31  44   8   1  -    84CORNER KICKS BY PRD   1st 2nd  OT OT2    Total--------------------  --- --- --- ---    -----South Carolina......   48  53   6   4  -   111Opponents...........   41  41   5   3  -    90FOULS BY PERIOD       1st 2nd  OT OT2    Total--------------------  --- --- --- ---    -----South Carolina......  122 136  10   4  -   272Opponents...........  122 114  13   8  -   257ATTENDANCE SUMMARY                 USC          OPP---------------------------------------------------Total....................        16121        10134Dates/Avg Per Date.......      10/1612       6/1689Neutral Site #/Avg.......        3/413

Category Leaders

                       The Automated ScoreBook For Soccer              South Carolina Category Leaders (as of Nov 25, 2001)                                   All games ## POINTS                GP   G   A Pts Shots ---------------------------------------------- 21 Jordan Quinn          19  13   3  29    60 9  Ryan Daley            19  10   8  28    37 8  Joey Worthen          19   6   5  17    57 18 Kolby Runager         18   2   4   8    16 20 Jordan Smith          19   1   6   8    17 17 Ray Fischer           19   2   1   5    12 23 Chris Herron          16   2   1   5     9 22 Ryan Stocking         19   1   3   5     2 5  Anthony Stovall       15   2   0   4    12 4  Ryan Barber           18   1   2   4    10 ## GOALS                 GP   G   A Pts Shots ---------------------------------------------- 21 Jordan Quinn          19  13   3  29    60 9  Ryan Daley            19  10   8  28    37 8  Joey Worthen          19   6   5  17    57 17 Ray Fischer           19   2   1   5    12 18 Kolby Runager         18   2   4   8    16 5  Anthony Stovall       15   2   0   4    12 23 Chris Herron          16   2   1   5     9 2  Robert Rosenberg      13   1   0   2     7 12 Tony Vitagliano       13   1   0   2     5 15 Jack Cummings         18   1   1   3    17 ## GAME WINNING GOALS    GP GWG -------------------------------- 21 Jordan Quinn          19   5 8  Joey Worthen          19   4 9  Ryan Daley            19   1 4  Ryan Barber           18   1 2  Robert Rosenberg      13   1 ## ASSISTS               GP   G   A Pts Shots ---------------------------------------------- 9  Ryan Daley            19  10   8  28    37 20 Jordan Smith          19   1   6   8    17 8  Joey Worthen          19   6   5  17    57 18 Kolby Runager         18   2   4   8    16 7  Dave Moore            19   0   3   3    24 22 Ryan Stocking         19   1   3   5     2 21 Jordan Quinn          19  13   3  29    60 4  Ryan Barber           18   1   2   4    10 19 Udo Seidel             2   1   1   3     2 17 Ray Fischer           19   2   1   5    12 ## SHOTS                 GP   G   A  Sh Shot% ---------------------------------------------- 21 Jordan Quinn          19  13   3  60  .217 8  Joey Worthen          19   6   5  57  .105 9  Ryan Daley            19  10   8  37  .270 7  Dave Moore            19   0   3  24  .000 15 Jack Cummings         18   1   1  17  .059 20 Jordan Smith          19   1   6  17  .059 18 Kolby Runager         18   2   4  16  .125 17 Ray Fischer           19   2   1  12  .167 5  Anthony Stovall       15   2   0  12  .167 4  Ryan Barber           18   1   2  10  .100 ## SHOT PCT              GP   G   A  Sh Shot% ---------------------------------------------- 22 Ryan Stocking         19   1   3   2  .500 19 Udo Seidel             2   1   1   2  .500 9  Ryan Daley            19  10   8  37  .270 23 Chris Herron          16   2   1   9  .222 21 Jordan Quinn          19  13   3  60  .217 12 Tony Vitagliano       13   1   0   5  .200 17 Ray Fischer           19   2   1  12  .167 5  Anthony Stovall       15   2   0  12  .167 2  Robert Rosenberg      13   1   0   7  .143 18 Kolby Runager         18   2   4  16  .125