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2021 Softball Media Day
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2021 Softball Media Day

Head coach Beverly Smith, Lauren Stewart, Mackenzie Boesel, Kenzi Maguire and Cayla Drotar met with the media on Friday to preview the upcoming season

BEVERLY SMITH: Well, good afternoon everybody. This is certainly different to be on a Zoom call for a press conference. But I tell you what I’m excited that we’re getting to do it, and getting to talk about Softball. We’re a week out and our team… Is going to be exciting to watch this year. If I had to tell you what I’m most excited about this season would be the four people you see on the screen, our graduates. The fact that they all chose to come back and be a part and really finish what they started makes me really proud. So I’m excited to have them join us today and talk to you about their experience with South Carolina. But a quick snapshot of this year’s team, this will be the largest roster that I’ve ever had. We have 27 on the roster, really 25 active players right now due to injury. I signed the largest freshmen class I have in my time here. We have 10 talented freshmen that joined this group. And it’s been really fun to watch, again our graduates really be the mentors for this group. So I think it’s great that our freshmen get to experience playing with this old ladies on the call here, with the graduate. So it’s been fun to watch the mentorship that’s gone on during practice. I think from the offensive side, we’ve really added a lot more team speed. I’ve added more lefty hitters. I think we’re going to have some more options from the offensive side in the mound. On the mound is probably one of our strengths, we’re deep. I have seven pitchers on the mound, and I think that’s going to bode well based on our schedule this year. It looks a little bit different with a lot more double headers. Just based on what’s going on, we’ll be playing a few more double headers midweek. We’ve got some five game weekends, some of these pre-season tournaments. So that’s going to be a little bit different. And then as you guys can probably note on our schedule it’s a little more regional oriented. So we’re going to host two pre-season tournaments at home. And then we’ll go on the road to Jacksonville. And up to Chapel Hill at North Carolina for our pre-season tournaments, before we enter, as you know, the ultra competitive SEC play. One other notable for us this year will be the first Clemson game. I know we talked about that last season, but we ended too short to get Clemson in last year. So April 21st will be the first ever Clemson Carolina softball game. And we’re really excited about that.

– All right, with that please use the raise your hand function and we’ll call on you. And remember please stay muted without asking your question. We’re going to start off with David.

– Hey Bev, thanks for doing this. Good to see you again. Been a very strange off season. Just how weird was it to you to kind of have to deal with the ending of the season like it did? And really have to juggle all the moving parts before getting this team together? And then kind of getting practice started for a season that you might not have known that was ever going to happen?

BEVERLY SMITH: Right, exactly. I mean it’s definitely been unprecedented in times and it’s made… Leading during COVID has definitely presented its challenges. Getting the team back together after just being on Zoom calls from basically March through the Summer. We had to come back to new protocols. What they consider new, what’s normal here at school was different. How they eat, how they gather all of that has changed. And I think it really… Everyone has appreciated the links we’ve gone through to be able to practice and to be able to play. As you know, we didn’t play anybody in the Fall. So we’ve just been scrimmaging ourselves and I’m telling you I think everyone is chomping at the bit to see an opponent, a different pitcher and just get out there and play again. So I think having to go through all that adversity has really led to a lot of gratitude for this group, to be able to actually get back out and play again.

– All right, we’ll go to Cam.

– Okay also for coach Smith kind of going off of Dave’s question there. I’m not sure many of us thought that 11 months later, we’d still be in the same situation dealing with COVID. How have you been battling… I guess the fatigue of the pandemic with the team having to basically go through two seasons of this now?

BEVERLY SMITH: Well it’s just the commitment to really come back and to be able to play. I think our players have been very responsible about staying healthy, keeping the team healthy. Because the goal is at the end of this season they’re going to crown the national championship… The national national champion and we want to be there. And so I think our team has done a great job in terms of keeping safe and getting out there, and really working toward our goals. But it definitely has been different for us, that’s for sure.

– Right next up, we’ll go with Brandon.

– Hey Bev, well you kind of mentioned it a little bit already but can you talk a little bit more about the all four graduate students coming back. And kind of when you heard all four we’re going to come back.

BEVERLY SMITH: Yeah that’s… Those phone calls took place over the summer. And Lauren Stewart I would tell you was the first one to raise her hand and say I’m in. And then from there we just had phone calls. One thing you need to know is that they’re in graduate school now. Kenzi Maguire actually has her graduate degree, and she’s just taking more classes to get even smarter. Macenzie Boesel we’ll finish with her degree. And Stewart and Cayla Drotar are in their first year in graduate school. So it’s really great that they can come back, and that the athletic department afforded them the opportunity to come back. And have that graduate year paid for. So Stewart was the first one to raise their hand and say, I’m in, she did not hesitate. And then Mac was right behind her, it really fell in line with everything. And I think ultimately for all of them, they wanted the opportunity to come back and finish what they started. I think you’re looking at some of the greats to have worn the garnet in black. And I’m happy personally that they have the opportunity to really complete four full years of play. Kenzi was probably our big question mark and hold out, She just… it wasn’t her head. I mean, she definitely wanted to play, her competitiveness wanted her to play, but she wasn’t sure of her body was going to allow her. So she actually had some surgeries over the summer that need to get well. And so we’ve just got to keep this group healthy. So as long as their bodies are going allow them to play, they’re going to be out there and do a great job for us.

– We’ll go back to David.

– This was for KK. KK good to see you again. Just how strange was this all season for you? After the injuries I believe you’re already home. And then what was the decision process like for you to go ahead and come back to the scene?

CAYLA DROTAR: Yeah, so as you all know I got injured in the invitational in Florida, which was a huge bummer for me. And the concussion process took super long, longer than expected. So that was also a bummer for me. So as I was getting back into the process of coming back and I’m actually going through protocol to be back on the field of my team. The day that I actually got to come out here and pitch to some batters and practice again, was the same day that they canceled season which was the day I got cleared. So it was a lot of emotions in my head just like what the heck is going on. Just seeing if we were going to be even able to have another shot and having another season. And I just remember I was just so upset and I just felt kind of blank at the moment. And I saw where it… The NCAA came out with the COVID year, you get your extra year if you were a Spring student athlete. And I was just thinking to myself like this is like… I think this is it. Like, this is a chance for me to go back. And I get to finish I played like maybe one and a half games at the start of the 2020 season. So it was a good opportunity for me to come back and finish with my sisters. And I’m super excited.

– If I could jump in with one real other quick one, Kenzi, Mac, and Stewie. What were your decisions like to come back? Kenzi, I know you might’ve had the injuries and everything. But for the rest of you was there ever an option to say, well maybe I can move on, maybe I can go somewhere else. Or what was that decision like? And how long did it take for you all to say I’m coming back?

– We’ll start with Kenzi on that. Then go to Mackenzie and then we’ll go with Lauren.

KENZI MAGUIRE: For me it was just figuring out what my body could handle. I’m very competitive so I didn’t want to miss out on competing for one last year especially with this group of girls that’s on the call right now. But just know trusting the doctors here, trusting coach Bev that they have my back. And that if I can do it I will. And if I can’t I’ll still be a part of the team.

MACKENZIE BOESEL: My decision was fairly easy once we got the okay to come back from the NCAA, because I was coming back in the Fall any ways to finish my master’s degree. So I was like, what’s one more semester. Let’s lengthen it out so I can finish how I wanted. I didn’t want to end in the middle of March. I wanted it to go all the way through June. So it was pretty simple decision for me. And once I got the okay from the NCAA I was ready to be back here.

LAUREN STEWART: Hello everyone, for me it was a very easy decision. It came… The season ended so abruptly and I knew that we just had so much more unfinished business that we had to do. So we still have our goals that we put in place our freshman year. And just getting the opportunity to be able to come back for our senior year was huge. And I just knew I wanted to do that from the get-go.

– Thank you everyone. We’ll go with Cam.

– Hey this is for Kenzi. I remember at this media day last year you saying that the thing you were most excited for in the 2019 or 2020 season, I’m losing track of the years. Was finally getting to be a part of the Clemson rivalry, and you guys finally getting to be a part of that. So from the players side of things how tough was it to have that game taken away? And then how much more are you looking forward to it this year?

KENZI MAGUIRE: We were all super bummed just because we’ve never had the opportunity to play a rival Clemson game. So having the opportunity to do it again for the first time, again is super exciting. I think we’re just all excited to have that same rivalry feeling, that all the other schools do. And like we’ve missed out on it last year. It was funny looking at the schedule again and seeing their name and just hearing like Clemson has been said again. It’s the first time we’re going play Clemson all over again. So we’re ready.

– I would go back to Brandon.

– Okay, KK this is for you. Can you talk about what you think the pitching staff looks like, and what you guys think your strengths are as a staff?

CAYLA DROTAR: Yes. So personally I think we a great opportunity this year with seven pitchers. We’re definitely deep in our depth with pitching. I think our strengths… I guess you’ll find out in season. I don’t want to give away all our cues and our good things. So it’s just awesome to add the two freshmen to the group and to have them. And a different eye for hitters because me, Kelsey and other girls that have been on here, we’ve been seen multiple times. Just to have fresh arms come in and help us is super awesome especially to have another lefty join reach. So Skylar I’m trying to have her come in and join the squad is also awesome. And then having Leah more like a pitcher like me is super great too to have that speed and the down ball. But I think it’s going to be awesome this year, and I’m super excited for you all to see.

– We’ll go to Dylan.

– Coach you mentioned the 10 freshmen being the most you’ve ever had to start a season off. Does having that much youth in the room all of a sudden, does that kind of change the way you’re addressing the group?

BEVERLY SMITH: No, I don’t think so. I do think that we’ve always been based in fundamentals. So we’ve gone back to fundamentals but we’ve really leaned on the graduates. It’s been a nice experience to be able to have them provide the mentorship for the freshmen. Certainly we go back and we review things and we make sure that the freshmen understand and they’re onboard. But the nice thing is we had a couple of weeks, when the team came back we really did kind of a lot of onboarding type activities. And feel like we got the freshmen acclimated and onboard. And it’s just nice that we have this extra class to help with the mentorship of that. But it’s been exciting to have them because they’re a talented group. And I think when you see us play you’re going to see that we’ve added a lot of athleticism to the roster.

– We go back to Brandon.

– Hey Bev, I know there have already been some adjustments to the schedule. Adding all auburn in what are currently non-conference games, given that there might be some cancellations. Is there any scenario where those become conference games?

BEVERLY SMITH: Not that I’m aware of right now Brandon, and I think you’re going to see the schedule continue to juggle. I just was made aware of another schedule change. And again it was a school that couldn’t meet testing protocols. So I think we’re going to see some of the shuffling that you’re seeing in basketball. But I think our team has done a great job just being patient. And we’ve talked about our ability to pivot and be in and we call it sudden change. We can adapt a sudden change. So our team has been well versed in that this year. And I think we’ll just keep that mindset going forward for the season.

– We’ll go back to Brandon.

– Lauren this is for you, there was kind of mentioning adding some athleticism and speed on bass pads. Is that going to be a point of emphasis for you guys in the Spring?

LAUREN STEWART: Yes, it definitely is. We have a lot of athletic girls who can play lots of different positions and have lots of speeds. So I definitely expect a lot of runs scored and a lot stolen bases from everyone.

– Bev I’ll jump in for one, this is the largest pitching staff that you’ve had while you’ve been here. As a pitching coach what are the pros to that? And I mean, just how many… Can you kind of talk about all the different options that you have with so many arms going into a regular SEC weekend?

BEVERLY SMITH: Sure. I think it’s going to match up well and have a lot of different options particularly in COVID. There’s the opportunity if someone were to test positive we’d lose people for contact tracing. So I think we’re going have the opportunity. one just to get up most of our games in simply because we are deep. We’re clearly led by our experience, which is Kelsey Oh and Cayla Drotar. They’ve had the most endings and experience for us on the mound. I think Karsen Ochs and Bailey Betenbaugh both had a shortened freshman experience, but they both had some quality innings for us last year. Rachel Vaughan for me has probably been the highlight from the Fall. I think she has really been effective in her time on the mound. And she offers us a different look being left-handed. And KK mentioned our two freshmen who Leah Powell and Skylar Trahan. Skylar being another lefty and Leah being KK’s protege, who is likely going to hit in the games that she pitches. So she’s certainly talented and she’s going to keep taking notes from KK as we go through. But I just think having the mix of experience, righty, lefty type of pitches. It’ll give us some options I think in scouting and seeing how we can best attack our opponent. The other thing I’ll just say at the end is I just think the pitchers really trust each other. And as well as the defense. I think we feel good about who’s on the mound and playing behind them. So I think the team has a lot of trust in whoever takes them out for us.

– I’ll jump in for one more. Mackenzie for you obviously this freshmen class was recruited in mind with you guys having already graduated. But now that your group is still here, how rewarding has it been for you guys to really play the mentor role? It seems out there that you guys have turned into coaches on the field. So for you and your last year how rewarding has that been to be able to work with this freshmen class?

MACKENZIE BOESEL: It’s really rewarding being able to mentor them. We have a lot of depth in the infield that we didn’t necessarily have in previous years. So getting to kind of help those freshmen out for the future years when we are long gone, it’s really beneficial I think for the team. And it’s really rewarding to be able to just be that mentor to the younger girls.

– With that will go back to Brandon.

This is for Kenzi. Kenzi this is your sixth year here now, does it feel like you’re ever going to leave?

KENZI MAGUIRE: No, I don’t want to leave.

– All right.

BEVERLY SMITH: Sorry. I’m sorry I was going to jump in on that. I don’t want her to leave either. I was joking with Kenzi she’s been here almost as long as I have . But it’ll definitely be different without this group at practice. They’ve certainly meant a lot to the program and they’ve been here a long time. And it’s like I said extra special that they all chose to come back for their final year too. So hashtag proud coach.

– A quick note on that. This is Bev’s 11th season. This will be Kenzi’s sixth season which means she has been here for over half of the Beverly Smith era. And with that we’ll go back to Brandon.

– Bev I know there’s still a week to go, but if you were filling up… You’re filling out your lineup card today, how would it read?

BEVERLY SMITH: Wow that’s something I haven’t even gone over the team with. But certainly this group are all locked into starters. Kenzi will be our starting shortstop, Mackenzie Boesel at second base, Stewart up the middle, Cayla on the mound. I think Jordan Fabian has done a fantastic job for us behind the plate. We’ve got three quality catchers in Anna vest and Leslie Carroll. All of them I think can handle our pitchers. We’ve got freshmen taking ground balls, Carlie Robbins and Maddie Gallagher at third base, both look really good. And then Katie Prebble for me has probably made the most strides this Fall and offer so much power for us at the plate. She’s likely to be in left field and she’s going to be… Every time we pitched to her I just think, Oh gosh, I’m glad she is on our team. So Katie Prebble has really done… Made great strides this Fall and looks good. And then again just going back to the athletic piece we have a lot of options for right field. But Aaliyah White offers us a lot of speed in the outfield going to catch. And at the plate Kylee Gleason’s done a really good job out there. We’ve got a lot of options and I’ve got a week to figure it out. But that is definitely going to be the challenges, I only get to put 10 names in the lineup and we have a really solid team. That’s not going to be an easy job.

– I’m not seeing any hands raised in the queue. So final call if anybody has any last questions. And if not we’re going to end it on that and think. Nope, Brandon. Another question from Brandon.

– Yeah, this is the last one. Mackenzie your name’s kind of all over the record book. You’re near the top or at the top in a lot of categories. Did that kind of factor in your decision to come back for one more year?

MACKENZIE BOESEL: Obviously, I would love to break some of those records and have my name at the top of those record books. But the main reason I came back was to finish what we started last season, which is to win a national championship and go out with a bang and get her… Get a ring for when I’m done.