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Practice or Competition Facility Rental Procedure

  1. Any party requesting to use a Department of Athletics practice or competition facility should contact Erin Allegrino at 803-777-1841 or by email at At least a 30-day notice of an event is required. When contacting the office, please have the following information to provide:
    • Nature of Event
    • Date(s) requesting
    • Time of Event
    • Event Details such as set-up and equipment needs
    • Whether the event will include individuals in grades 9-12, two-year college students or the event will raise money for any group including individuals included in those age groups.
  2. If the facility space is available and the event has been approved (the requirements of the event are satisfactory) by the Event Management staff, a Facility Rental Request Form will be sent to the client. The request form serves as the written request for the use of the space. ALL EVENTS MUST COMPLETE AN ATHLETIC FACILITY RENTAL REQUEST FORM.
  3. Once the Facility Rental Request Form is submitted to the Event Management staff, the Event Management staff will review the specific needs of the event and consult with other institutional constituencies (e.g., Facilities, Compliance Services) as needed.
  4. If the event is approved by Event Management (and Compliance Services as needed), the client and an Event Management staff representative shall meet (in person, by phone or by email) to determine the details of the event (i.e. set-up, equipment needs, staff needs and tear-down).
  5. After all details for the event have been confirmed, an Athletic Facility Rental Agreement shall be sent to the client.
    • The Athletic Facility Rental Agreement should be executed and returned to the Event Management office along with the certificate of insurance, no less than two weeks prior to the event.
    • The facility rental and event operations costs reflected on the Athletic Facility Rental Agreement and Event Confirmation Sheet are estimated costs.
    • The facility rental fees are based on the number of hours actually used in the facility.
  6. After the event, the client shall be invoiced, with all final charges. University organizations may provide a university account number to which all facility rental and event operation costs may be charged following the event.

Event Operation Expenses

For those facilities where expenses are added to the rental price, the Lessee shall be charged the facility rental fee and event operation expenses. Event operation expenses may include, but are not limited to set-up, tear down, security, ushers, ticket takers, EMS, traffic and parking, janitorial services, electronic services, electrical services, HVAC services, video board and scoreboard services, physical plant services, sports information services, ticket office services, equipment rental and administration fees. Event operation expenses will not be reduced or waived.


The Lessee must have a policy or policies of general liability insurance in the state of South Carolina providing coverage for personal injury and property damage. This shall be in the amount, not less than $1,000,000 for each person or occurrence and $2,000,000 in aggregate for personal injuries or death or property damage suffered by any person or persons arising out of the use of the Facility or the services provided with its use. The Lessee shall name The University of South Carolina and its Board of Trustees as named insured. As a state entity, The University of South Carolina cannot list the Lessee as additional insured. The Lessee shall also provide notice to the Lessor of proof of insurance coverage, in the form of a certificate of insurance, not less than fourteen (14) days in advance of commencing of the lease term. Failure to obtain a certificate of insurance does not constitute a waiver of such insurance by Lessor.

Compliance Guidelines

Please be advised that the Office of Compliance Services will need to be contacted for any event that:

  1. Involves prospect-aged individuals including those in grades 9-12 or two-year college individuals or the event will raise money for any group including individuals included in those age groups; or
  2. Involves University of South Carolina coaches or staff.

Food Service

Food services and concession stands are not available for athletic facility rentals. For specific food service questions related to practice or competition facility rentals, please contact Brian Conde at 803-777-1432 or by email at

Contact Information

To reserve space or to obtain more information regarding the usage of Department of Athletics facilities contact Erin Allegrino at 803-777-1841 or by email at
