Tickets on Sale for 2021 Teacher Appreciation Day at Gamecock Football
South Carolina Athletics is once again honoring educators for all of their efforts in what’s been an immensely challenging year. South Carolina is taking part in the College Football Playoff Foundation’s “Extra Yard for Teachers Week” (September 10-18) with the promotion of Gamecock Football Teacher Appreciation Day at Williams-Brice Stadium on Saturday, October 16 when the Gamecocks host the Vanderbilt Commodores.
The goal of Extra Yard for Teachers Week is to elevate the education profession by inspiring and empowering teachers using the high profile of college football. The College Football Foundation aims to take on the challenges educators face by helping them with resources, recognition, recruitment, and professional development.
South Carolina Athletics will once again join forces with the UofSC College of Education and South Carolina Department of Education to host Teacher Appreciation Day at Williams-Brice Stadium. All teachers, school staff, and their families have access to a special discount on tickets and will be honored in various ways throughout game day.
The COVID-19 Pandemic prevented the Teacher Appreciation Day from happening last year, but this is the sixth time since 2015 that South Carolina will host the event. Tickets are only $30 each, a discount of $20, and educators do not have to be members of the Gamecock Club to take advantage of the special rate. In addition to the discount, South Carolina District Teachers of the year will be recognized on the field and with a special presentation on the video board inside Williams-Brice Stadium.
“We look forward to recognizing teachers for their hard work and dedication at the football game in October,” said Blake Woodward, Director of Tickets Sales. “They have faced many challenges over the last 18 months and continue to be a crucial part of our communities. Teachers deserve a day of appreciation in Williams-Brice Stadium.”
Educators can purchase as many tickets as needed at the discounted rate to enjoy the game with family and friends. They can also take advantage of the option on the ticketing web site to get seats together with friends and acquaintances through a custom link that’s provided when they check out and can be shared with friends. This allows them to sit together while paying separately!
While the ticket sales for Gamecock Football Teacher Appreciation Day are aimed at educators in South Carolina, teachers and school staff in neighboring states who want to make the trip to Williams-Brice Stadium may also take advantage of the discount.
To purchase tickets for Gamecock Football Teacher Appreciation Day, please click the button at the top of the page or go to www.gamecocksonline.com/teachers.